Catching an affair is one thing, but how do you confront your partner about their infidelity? Below you'll find 3 rules that you should always follow before saying a word to your spouse.
Alright, so whether it's true or
not, why don't we pretend for a moment that you've already caught your wife or
husband cheating. review You've
gotten cold hard evidence of an affair, but you don't know what to do with it.
Well, luckily for you, that's why I'm here.
Many people don't realize that
confrontation, especially when it comes to affairs, is NOT a simple matter. There
are so many things that can go wrong when you have two very emotional people
going head to head with one another. That being said, there are a few rules that
you should know before you even think about talking to your spouse.
Following these 3 rules should help
you get what you want from your spouse:
#1. Set a Goal.
Before you explode on your spouse
with evidence of an affair, it's prudent to decide what exactly you want out of
the confrontation, Tubit first. For
example, do you want to stay together or separate? Do you want them out of the
house for a little while? Do you want them to apologize (seems like a stupid
question, but it's not)?
When I confronted my wife, I knew
that I wanted her to apologize, but I also knew that I didn't want her to leave
me, so those were both goals that I set before confronting her with the
evidence that I'd gathered.
So what do you want for yourself?
It's important that you answer that question before moving on.
#2. What Could Go Wrong?
Listen up! This is the most
important part of this article!
It is vital that you take some time
to anticipate the way your spouse will react to your confrontation. When people
are involved in an
affair, you'll often find that they're extra emotional and volatile, which
means that almost anything could happen.
Most people either haven't thought
about the way their spouse will react, or they only have 1 or 2 ideas about it.
Folks, this is just plain stupid.
Take 15 minutes and sit down and
really think about your husband or wife. Think about how you think they'll
Got it in your head? Now, what's
the exact opposite of that? Because chances are, that's what your spouse will
do when you tell them you know they're cheating. Of course, I don't mean that
literally, but my point is that you should have a plan for more than just 1 or
2 things that could happen. Think about the way that you'll react, and how you
can still get what you want out of the confrontation.
#3. Do You Want to Stay Together?
You should have already decided
this when you were setting goals, but what I mean here is that you should
decide whether or not you want to stay together, and stick to it.
You won't be clear minded in the
midst of an argument with your spouse, so if you don't want to stay together,
stick to your guns. At least get them out of the house for a couple days.
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